Does the landlord have the right to increase the rental value of the tenant without notice?

In accordance with Law No. (26) of 2007 and its amendments regulating the rental relationship between owners and tenants of real estate within the Emirate of Dubai, which stipulates in Article (13) regarding the determination of the rental allowance: “For the purposes of renewing the lease contract, the lessor and the lessee may, before the expiry of the lease contract, amend any of the terms of the contract or reconsider the rental allowance, whether by increase or decrease, and if they do not reach an agreement on that, the Committee may determine the fair wage, taking into account the criteria stipulated in Article (9) Article (14) of the same law also stipulates:

In the event that any of the parties to the lease contract wishes to amend any of its conditions in accordance with Article (13) of this Law, he shall notify the other party thereof no less than ninety days before the termination of the contract, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.” In this case, the legal warning shall be sent through the notary public or by e-mail not less than ninety days before the end of the lease contract.

Reasons for the termination of contracts for the sale of units in the Emirate of Dubai and their controls In light of the continuous real estate development in Dubai, interest in the laws governing contracts for the sale of real estate units within the emirate is increasing, and the termination of contracts is an integral part of real estate transactions, especially in cases of dispute between the contracting parties, and this process is regulated under specific laws aimed at protecting the rights of all parties concerned. Among the most important reasons for terminating contracts for the sale of units in the Emirate of Dubai:

 1. Buyer’s failure to pay financial payments: The most common reason for terminating sales contracts is the delay or inability of one of the parties to pay the installments on the agreed dates in accordance with the terms of the contract.

. 2Dispute Resolution: In many cases, attempts to resolve the dispute amicably before resorting to annulment are required. 

3. Arbitration or recourse to the judiciary: In the event that the friendly negotiations do not succeed, the parties can go to arbitration or the judiciary to fulfill their rights.  4. Indemnity: In some cases, the termination may be conditional on the payment of damages to the party affected by the termination.  The regulation of the termination of contracts for the sale of units in Dubai reflects the ongoing efforts to ensure the integrity and stability of the real estate market, and gives buyers and sellers a clear legal framework that guarantees their rights It is always advisable to consult a professional lawyer when dealing with these cases to ensure full compliance with local laws and regulations

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